About the Art Show

Photos from the 2024 Art Show

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Review of the 40th show in 2024.

What a fantastic weekend for the 40th anniversary of the Art Show. It all started on the Friday with an evening of Music and Art, with the Art show preview held in the village hall, followed by an evening of music held at Willow Farm featuring Our Dementia Choir and the Military Wives Choir.

The preview evening attracted large numbers of visitors who came along to enjoy a glass of fizz and some celebration cake as well as look at the amazing array of work on show. Many then walked down to the musical event and enjoyed listening to the Chiors whilst making the most of the warm weather.

Over the weekend, we continued to have lots of visitors, who took advantage of the lovely homemade cakes and savouries as well as buying raffle tickets, which had generous prizes given by various local businesses.

Whilst numbers of artists were down slightly from last year at 91, we exhibited 248 main pieces of work and 145 unframed items in the browsers. Sales were good, indeed approximately half the artists sold at least one item, a fantastic achievement.

As you would expect, sales of refreshments were amazing and we had an exceptional array of homemade cakes and savories for sale. Special thanks to Bhavin and Rita Doshi for generously donating samosas which were extremely popular.

We were delighted to work with Fine & Country who again kindly sponsored the whole event this year. The Artwork was Judged by Joan McFadyen, and Laz Grillo from Fourwalls Gallery chose an artist to be shown at his Melton Gallery.  Visitors had the opportunity to select their popular choice and overwhelmingly chose Stronger than you think by Freya Diprose who’d also been awarded Best in Show by the Judge. 

We would like to thank everyone who helped make the show such a success including; the sponsors, judges, raffle prize donors, the team organising the preview evening and the many who donated cakes and other items of food. Along with those who helped serve during the event. Let’s also not forget the “behind the scenes” folk, who ran the finances, helped design, advertise, hang the paintings, sell the artwork, organise the catering, put items on the Art Show website, contact the artists, produced the flyers, sell tickets, etc. and anyone else we may have missed!

We would also like to thank Tony & Debs Westbrook for the generous support which they gave and for working with us towards our 40th anniversary celebrations along with all the hard work they put in arranging the musical event on the Friday night.

Some of the key roles on the Art Show Committee are becoming vacant including treasurer and we need additional admin support too. If you are interested in joining us and would be keen to offer some help for next year, please contact me. Email Art Show 2025

The Upper Broughton Art Show is a major fundraising event, and all profits go the Village Hall to help keep it running.

Jo Merchant - Chair Upper Broughton Art Show

Dates for the next Art Show are: 9, 10, 11 May 2025.